Friday, August 10, 2007

SuNwAy UnIvErSiTy cOLLeGe...

Sunway University College!! Sunway University College!! Sunway University College!! Don't let me hear another word about this college!!

How many times you want me to tell you? I DON'T WANT TO TRANSFER THERE!! I'm happy to be where I am. I had just manage to slowly fit into and now you want me to transfer to other college! Can you please at least let me finish my course first? I promise if you still want me to change I will be a good girl.I will transfer to any college you want me to go.Please...Please...
HELP ME!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 4, 2007


WOW!! without me realising again time seems to fly. I have been going back and forth to college for two months.Don't ask me where I get such 'super energy' to wake up 5 am to make it to 8am class almost everyday and to drive home after class which usually ends at 5pm (Yes,my class starts when everyone is rushing to work and ends when everyone is rushing back home!

Is week 11th already but I seriously have no idea what is what!! For example ECONOMICS.I use to have the same problem when I first study ECONOMICS when I was in Form 6. (One of the reason why I skip Economics lecture) All I know is I used one and a half years to finish the syllabus in Form 6 but in TARC I will have to digest everything in 14 weeks! Used up one and a half year also can't understand now I'm given 14 weeks to learn the subject again.Sadly,I still don't understand.I left only 3 weeks to study! I must not give up!!
Yes! I CAN DO IT!! Haha... Early in the morning(5am) must be energetic and confidence because it reflects the rest of our day. (Don't ask me why I'm up so early...Hmm..actually I'm use to waking up early already)

Ok..Ok..I want to stop here.Want to continue my beauty sleep now.

p/s :Shall be continue...

Sunday, July 29, 2007

sAtUrDaY nIgHt...

Is Saturday night or I should say is Sunday morning??i just came home from tea with my high schools friends.Is just a normal hang out in 'mamak',chit chatting for hours.Most of our topic is about what we use to do in school last time.Really miss those days a lot.

This week review...

Have been skipping classes lately.Can't even sleep at night.Just feel like being alone,driving without direction.I don't know what happened to me.

Wrote the third journal in Ms Pauline's class.Somehow,after writing this journal I find myself smiling.A smile I haven't been putting up for sometime.I really miss my childhood time,my childhood friends.Wish I can turn back time...Wish I can stay at that age forever.

-----Really don't know what else happened this week.Time seems to fly just like that without me realizing.-----

p/s:ApPrEcIaTe aNd cHeRiSh wHaT yOu hAvE nOw.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

rAiNy dAY...

rainy day...
I promised to attend the debate workshop this morning but I could not make it the very last minute because of transportation problem.I wonder how was the debate.Today's topic is interesting.(public figure should be given private life).Did I mentioned earlier that I lost in the last workshop?Haha..My team lost but so what?All we wanted was fun and experience :)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I don't know how what happened to me today.I am not feeling well but my mood is the main factor which makes me feel so down today.I feel so helpless,so weak,feel as though I can't breath.Don't know why I feel this way.Woke up from the wrong side of bed I think.Today's weather is the best to describe my feeling (is raining heavily out there though the sun shines brightly and suddenly the sky turn from baby blue to grey).
Suddenly I feel I am just not who I am.I feel lonely.I feel as though I am going to break down anytime.I don't like this feeling.Don't like being like this.WHY?? I can't break down now! At least not until September. I need a break!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

aNotHER wEEk gOnE?

Is wEEkEnD aGaIn.TiMe fLiEs.DoN'T aSk mE wHaT I dId aNd hOw wAs mY wEeK sPenT.I wAs sO bLuR.aLL I kNoW iS I wAkE uP eVerY mOrnInG,trY hArd nOt tO bE lAtE tO cLasS bY sPeedInG 1*0km/j (oNLy GOD aNd mY gUaRDiAn aNgEL kNowS hOw fAsT I dRiVe). No,I aM nOt tRyiNg tO bE eIthEr JaY ChOu iN IniTiaL D nOr hAn iN ToKyO DrIfT. I wAsN'T lIkE tHAt wHeN I jUsT sTarTeD cOLLeGe.I wAKe uP vErY eArLy jUsT tO bE iN cLasS eArLy aNd tO gEt a pArkInG sPaCe.SoMeHoW,I feeL iS tOO tIrInG fOr mE tO sLeEp aT 3aM anD wAke uP aT 5aM (wHIcH iS tHe rEAsOn wHy mY dEaR fRienDs iN cLasS wiLL seE mY hEad oN tHe tAbLe mOst oF tHe tImE).LeTs sKip tHIS toPic.
HmM..nOtHinG sPeciAL tHIs wEek.I rEaLLy cAN'T rEcaLL wHat rEaLLy haPpEn tHIs wEEk.GOSH!! SHORT TERM MEMORY!! All I kNow iS I dId nOt gET tO eNjoY mY oNLy tIme tO sLeeP tOdAY. I woKe uP eARLy tHIs mORniNg tO fEtCH mY cOUsiN siStEr tO bUs sTatIoN aNd aCcOmpAniEd hEr uNtiL shE gEts iNtO tHE buS, tHEn fEtCh mY bELovEd bRotHEr tO JaYA JuScO's cInEmA tO bUY mOvIe tIckeT.DoN'T aSk mE wHy I hAVe tHE pAtIenT thIs mOrniNg tO wAiT fOR aLmOSt tWo hOurS wItH mY bRotHeR jUst tO gET tHe tIckEts (nO I aM nOT wAtChiNg tHE mOviE).I wOndEr tHosE pEopLE hAvE nOthIng eLse bEtTer tO dO oN SaTurdAY mOrninG?It pRoVeS tHaT I LOVE mY bRotHEr a LoT.I aM wiLLinG tO sACrIfIcE mY sLeeP tImE jUsT fOR hIm tO hAvE a fuN haNg oUt wIth hIS frIenDs tOmoRrOw.DoN'T mEntIon tHat I wiLL hAvE tO fEtcH hiM aNd hIs fRiEndS tO cIneMa tOmoRrow mOrniNg.AftEr tHAt I pAcK TOM YUM (bReakfaSt+LuNch) fRoM tHai fAiR iN kLAnG pArADe (YUMMY!!).My dInNer wAs dELiciOUs tOO.BeInG a gOod daUgHteR,oF cOUrsE I hAd mY dInnER wIth mY faMiLy.In fAcT I'm wRitIng tHis tHE vEry mOmENt I rEacH hOme (nOt mENtiOninG bUsy chAttinG aS wELL).

p/s : mY dEaR lEctUre whO aLwaYs smiLe aNd laUgH duRinG clAss hAd lOSt hEr chArM whEn I sAw hEr oN tHUrsDay.hOpe hER aNgEL wiLL heLp hEr tO cHEEr uP aGaiN.
p/s : tHE LonGest pOSt sO faR.. :)

Sunday, July 8, 2007


3 mOrE dAyS tO gO fOr mY vErY fIrSt mId tErM iN cOLLegE. A LiTTle tOO fAsT bUt sTiLL I wiLL hAvE tO fAcE iT. fRankLy,I hAvE nO iDeA wHat iS eConOmiC sIncE I cHanGe tO aRtS sTreaM wHeN I dId mY fORm sIx. eVeN tiLL nOw I sTiLL dOn'T uNdErsTanD wHicH iS oNe oF tHe rEaSon wHy i sKip mY EcOns lEcTurE (shh..dOn'T tELL mY mAmA&pApA)
aCcoUnTs iS aNotHEr pRObLem tO mE bUt iTS wAy bEttER tHAN ECONS. tHe bEsT sUbjEct? ENGLISH,LAW aNd MaNagIng bEhavioUr oRgAniSaTioN(MBO)! wHy? bEcAusE I hAvE bEEn sTudyIng EnGLiSh mOst Of mY LiFe aNd I lIkE LaW (bUt I aM nOt gOOd iN iT) bEcAuse I wAntEd tO dO LaW bEfOrE I cAmE tO TARC.MBO iS aN iNtErESTiNg sUbjEct wHeRe I LeaRn aBouT hUmAnS bEhaViour (tRuSt mE iT iS iNtErEsTinG bUt cOnfUsiNg aNd tOO mAnY tHInGs tO mEmOriSE).
fOuR oUt oF sEvEn sUbJecTs I aM tAkIng rEqUiRes lOtS oF mEmOrIsiNg. ThIs mAkeS mE feeL uNeAsY SinCe I aM bAd iN mEmOriSinG. HoPe mY dEaR GOD wiLL sEnd mE mY gUaRdiAn aNgEL tO gIvE mE tHE sTrEngHt tO sTuDy.

p/s: aLL tHe bEsT tO aLL DBM2 fRieNds :p